Candle Magic

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  • Study Time: 20 Hours
  • Self Study: 8 Lessons
  • Class Videos: None
  • Face to Face Practical Session: Not required for this class
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Class Pre-Requisites
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  • Class Insurance: Not applicable for this class
  • Case Studies: Not required for this class
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All enrolments include
- Access to all online lessons for this class
- Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Online Live Chat Class Support
- Lifetime access to this class, even once completed
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Class Checklist - Things you will need
- Pen
- Notebook or Journal
- Candle Magic Starter Pack (optional)
- A selection of coloured candles
- A carrier oil of your choice (almond, coconut, olive etc)
- Essential Oils (optional)
class information
Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spellcasting, and as such, it doesn’t require a lot of fancy ritual or ceremonial tools. In other words, anyone with a candle can cast a spell.

Most people have performed candle magic in at least one point in their lives - and probably without really knowing it. How many times have you blown out the candles on your birthday cake while making a wish? The same idea applies to candle magic, only instead of just hoping for your wish to come true, you're declaring your intent.

In this class we will be looking at how to begin working with candle magic and taking this through to some advanced candle workings, helping you to perform three different types of candle magic - basic, simple and advanced - along with giving you the tools and knowledge to not only perform candle magic, but to write your own candle spells and rituals from scratch too.
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Certification Level
- Certificate of Completion
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Class Accreditations
Included Free Resources
- The Magic of Colour Book of Shadows Pages
- Candle Magic Spell Preparation Guides
- Magical Aromatherapy Book of Shadows Pages
- Planetary Hours Book of Shadows Pages
- Planetary Influences Book of Shadows Pages
- Magical Days of the Week Book of Shadows Pages
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- Printed copies of the workbook plus other class materials are available to purchase after enrolment

Candle Magic
Lesson Access

Your FREE Class Resources

Book of Shadows Pages
Candle Magic Spell Guides
Book of Shadows Pages
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- The Magic of Colour Book of Shadows Pages - A4 PDF Download
- Magical Aromatherapy Book of Shadows Pages - A4 PDF Download
- Planetary Hours Book of Shadows Pages - A4 PDF Download
- Planetary Influences Book of Shadows Pages - A4 PDF Download
- Magical Days of the Week Book of Shadows Pages - A4 PDF Download
Candle Magic Spell Guides
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- Candle Magic Spell Preparation Guide - Simple - A4 PDF Download
- Candle Magic Spell Preparation Guide - Advanced - A4 PDF Download

Purchase your class materials

Candle Magic - Starter Pack - £25.00
This includes:
- Pen
- Notebook / Journal
- 1 x 15ml Bottle of Coconut Oil
- 2 x Red Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Orange Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Yellow Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Green Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Sky Blue Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Purple Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Pink Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Brown Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x Black Beeswax Spell Candles
- 2 x White Beeswax Spell Candles
Candle Magic - Printed Workbook - £7.50
A 36 page full colour spiral bound workbook. This workbook is a physical copy of the lessons included within this class.
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